Author: Simon

I’m Simon Ambros, a versatile writer with over 10 years of experience crafting engaging and impactful content across various niches. Writing is my passion and profession.

We are talking about zombies. Do you have an interest in it? If yes, let us discuss these groaning, shambling, and hungry creatures. More interestingly, these creatures have been haunting through zombie movies and zombie series for decades. We know many of them whether the name of the zombie thriller is Night of the Living Dead or World War Z. These stories are based on apocalypse and horror. However, our current discussion is about the differences between the Western and Far Eastern zombie stories. So, we will dig deep to identify the difference and how Far Eastern cinema has been…

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2025 has something extraordinary and unique for all movie lovers. This year, everyone has something to watch and celebrate, as many movies and their sequels are in the queue. For example, we can wait for Superman, The Fantastic Four: First Steps, Captain America: Brave New World, Five Nights at Freddy’s 2, Jurassic World Rebirth, and Thunderbolts in 2025, as all or some of these movies are our favorite. However, for those who love horror movies and zombie thrillers, “28 Years Later” will be their top choice. Introducing 28 Years Later When discussing zombie thriller movies, 28 Years Later can be…

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Admit it, The Walking Dead is one of the most popular TV series today. Though there were some points when the show seemed to have lost its way, it did not falter in gaining followers and maintaining its high ratings. However, though millions of people are avid fans of the show, some just plainly do not see who The Walking Dead became the center of attention of TV viewers. Moreover, others also do not understand how millions of dollars is spend on the show even though its quality has shown fluctuation even up to now. To give the non-Walking Dead…

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Last year was a golden time for zombie fans, as movies, such as Cooties, Maggie, and Scouts Guide to the Zombie Apocalypse hit the big screen. And this 2016, people can expect for some more zombie action. In addition, it seems that 2017 will also never run out of flicks featuring the living dead. Notably, some of these films features some familiar Hollywood names, whereas as some promise to bring outright terror to their audience. The following list provides the titles of the movies that will be shown this 2016 and the year beyond and some details about their plots.…

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Season 4 of the Strain has been announced. This will be the fourth and final season. While this is good news due to the rating drop last season this will be the final season. The other good thing about announcing this as the last season is that it will make sure the show has a conclusion. It would have been very traumatic to fans if it never returned. The show has outstanding FX and it isn’t cheap to produce so we should probably all thank Netflix and other streaming platforms making it financially beneficial for shows with strong fan bases to…

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A lot of filler today. I felt like they kept the action stuff short. Maybe a smart way to keep the budget down. Classic quote to Eugene who wanted to kill a walker. “You have a better chance of picking up a turd by the clean end.” And what is up with Daryl not being able to drive a 5 speed or manual transmission car?  That is real believable. The guy drives a motor cycle. He grew up a red neck. They had automatic pickups? Basic premise is to go on a run to locate medicine. Typically that leads to entering a dark…

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I have to admit that I enjoy episodes like tonight “Knots Untie.” It sets up more plot and story. It answered my biggest current question who the hell is Jesus? It introduced us to the Hill Top community. A high lookout that you can see for 5 miles around. Makes sense. A solid wall fortress. But why the hell do that not build a mote around these things. Like that little wall is gonna keep who out? And what happens when you end up with a zombie herd. Another issue that bothers me is what the hell was Alexandrea doing…

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Always spoilers here. Not trying to imply there is anything wrong with the show. On the contrary. This season is one of the best. But there have been a lot of what I call script supervisor issues this season. Just slightly beyond the suspension of disbelief. In last weeks midseason premier Daryl beats up a guy behind a truck just feet away from everyone without making a noise. Of course you need that for the surprise missile launcher death of Negan’s men. This episode the new character Jesus is tied up and left on the side of the road. But somehow…

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Bite, Chew, Swallow…Repeat for a minute I thought this was written by the master Quentin Tarantino. Seriously some great dialogue. This could easily be one of the best written episodes yet. Sure it was action packed. Maybe I just missed the show it’s been months. Maybe they just really got good at telling stories. I was reading a post on reddit about there being 5000 Zombies for every living human. You have to assume that the US has a lower ratio just because it’s a first world country and there are a lot more guns. What always gives me issue is that…

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AMC has announced that Fear The Walking Dead season 2 will be 15 episodes split into 2 parts. The premier will be April 10, 2016. Best estimates is that is the week following The Walking Dead finale. The first half of season 2 will be 7 episodes and the final part will air some time in 2016. We should assume that will be the 8 weeks prior to the next season of The Walking Dead Season 7. Good news for all you fans of Chris Hardwick he will follow Season 2 FTWD with his talking dead show. Don’t forget the…

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